Protect yourself and your business with professional proactive security and services.

Cyber-crime presents a significant threat to many businesses. Your systems could be infected by a virus or ransomware or sensitive information such as customer accounts and records could be stolen by hackers.

Although such scenarios remain ever-present threats. With a robust and effective security plan, you can be assured that your business is protected from all manner of cyber-attacks.

WhizNet IT has more than 15 years of experience providing businesses with state-of-the-art network security solutions.

Our Network Security Services will provide cost-effectively protect and maintain the security of your network, assets and data against external attack, providing you peace of mind.

The day to day impact of a poorly configured security system can have a large impact on your business. Expertly configured network security not only helps eliminate congestion on your network but reduce the risk of the proliferation of viruses within the company (or worse, sending them to your valued customers!).

We address five main areas of security:

  • Compliance: Assess current IT security measures to identify vulnerabilities in application, information, network and internet security as well as ensure compliance with industry standards.
  • Data Security: Protect valuable data at the application and system levels to address mobile user and policy level security requirements
  • Access Management: Protect assets and information for unauthorised access.
  • Physical Security: Defend against threats to physical assets – laptops, servers and the data centre – with surveillance.
  • Threat Mitigation: Proactively monitor and block external threats to the infrastructure, confidential data, applications and services.

WhizNet IT Network Security Services mitigate risks before they reach your network, and reduce security costs and complexity.

Contact WhizNet IT for more information on your specific needs.